tirsdag 23. august 2011

Who can find the toy?

Hello superstars ;D

Mamma synes vi trenger å bruke nesa vår til andre ting enn å lete etter møkk og døde dyr, så derfor prøver hun å gi oss alternativer. Hennes alternativ er at hun "mister" lekene våre rundt omkring i skogen og vi må finne dem for henne, hjelpeløs som hun er! Se mer på videoene.

In English:
Mum thinks that we need to use our noses to find other things than poop and dead animals, so she has tried to come up with an alternative. She pretends that she looses our toys in the forest, and we have to find them. Gosh, she is so helpless. Check out the videos!

On this  video Luca has to find the toy. Goldie, Fredrik and Pablo have to wait for their turn, that's booooring...

On this video we all search for the toy and whoever finds it first gets a treat from mum. Guess who found it first?!

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